Caribbean Fish Tacos

Caribbean Fish Tacos


Flour Tortillas
Olive Oil
ChileanSea Bass
Papa Joe’s Salt Jamaican Jerk
Chipotle Sauce
Goya Chipotle Peppers (cut peppers up smaller)
Mix together to your liking of thickness.
Pickled Red Onions
Mango Salsa
Queso Fresco Cheese
Lime (lime juice)


Cut Cabbage into 1-2 inch thick slices (cabbage steaks). Marinate cabbage, fish & shrimp lightly & spearately with olive oil, and then season with Papa Joe's Jamaican Jerk Salt.

Grill the cabbage, fish & shrimp.

Shred the cabbage & fish into bite sized pieces.

Load one taco with shredded, grilled cabbage, fish, Chipotle Sauce and the toppings of your choice. We recommend pickled red onions, and Queso Fresco Cheese!

Load another taco with shredded, grilled cabbage, shrimp, and toppings of your choice. We recommend avocado, cilantro and the mango salsa with shrimp!

Sprinkle more Papa Joe's Jamaican Jerk Salt to taste & squeeze a fresh lime pin top.

So refreshing... ENJOY!

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